Diversion Programs
Our Programs
The PESA Peer Solution Diversion Program is one of the most successful diversion programs in the State of California. The program utilizes peers and near peers to encourage diverted youth to reflect on the actions that led to negative interactions with law enforcement. The goal is to transform the youth into individuals that aim to obtain their personal goals through legitimate means.
PESA’s transformative justice team utilizes assessments to determine the root cause of the youth’s decision-making and assess their strengths to inform their program involvement. PESA utilizes a strength-based approach for all services.
Once assessed, the youth receive case management services from our Educational Life Coaches for wrap-around services. As needed, the youth may participate in workshops and/or psychotherapy. PESA utilizes Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Problem Solving Therapy with youth receiving mental health services. They may also partake in group counseling or family counseling, if needed.
The SHADES program is the only diversion program specifically designed to address hate, bias, and/or bullying conflicts and intolerance. Youth who are involved with incidents of hate and bullying towards the protected classes such as sexual orientation, gender, race, disability, and nationality are referred to the SHADES Program.
A peer jury attends a weeklong intensive human relations training by the Museum of Tolerance (MOT) to provide them with tools to help the youth understand that their conduct was insensitive and impromer. Then, in addition to the transformative services PESA provides to all diverted youth, the SHADES youth are mentored by an adult who is a member of the targeted class.
This program is effective in accomplishing its goal of preventing hate/bias crimes and incidents in a timely manner. It also cultivates awareness about hate/bias crimes and incidents within the community which leads to collaboration with community agencies to educate youth to combat hate/bias in their communities.
State and Federal law define “homeless children and youth” as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” Parents, Educators/Teachers & Students in Action (PESA) is the leading community-based organization providing services to homeless children and youth to break the cycle of homelessness.
Chronic absenteeism is an increasingly understood determinant of criminal activity in juveniles. The main indicator of failure to graduate high school is absenteeism, and failure to graduate is a high risk factor of negative employment, homelessness, and financial outcomes. Furthermore, unhoused students are more likely to be chronically absent.
PESA’s Collaborative Attendance Assistance Program (CAAP) utilizes Educational Life Coaches (ELCs) who are achieving remarkable results. ELCs meet with the youth regularly to build a relationship, facilitate continuous needs assessments, connect them to outside services, and assist them in following a tailored treatment plan that decreases absenteeism, increased school-bonding, increases grades, and gets them on a career pathway.
PESA receives referrals from the Los Angeles County Probation Department for gang intervention. All referrals are offered the same services as the other diverted youth, however they also partake in a 10-week Aggression Replacement Training (ART) Group and engage in at least one pro-social activity a month. These activities include participation in partnering agency programming, beautification projects, going to the movies, and more.